Research Consultants
Eyal Research Consultants assists senior management of the client company to make the informed decisions regarding the client company’s product design, technology and IP development and implementation.
For those clients that have a blurry concept of a product, Eyal Research Consultants can help the client focus by providing a sharp definition of the product with an associated technology and IP development plan.
If the client arrives with a sharp definition of the product, Eyal Research Consultants can help develop the associated technology and IP development plan.
In either case, we are ready to assist the client with an initial decision concerning feasibility. In cases when the client decides to continue, we provide technical advice through proof of concept, lab scale testing, pilot scale production, industrial scale up as well as any other stage to bring a concept from raw idea to an efficient working industrial plant.
Eyal Research Consultants escorts the client through the developing and building process, guiding and mentoring to realize the full technological potential. At the same time, Eyal Research Consultants encourages the client to protect their intellectual property (IP) so that they can maintain control of what they develop.
Usually, clients will need to surrender some control over their IP in return for investment capital at some stage. We at Eyal Research Consultants, prepare to offer advice about how much control to surrender, at what stage and in return for how much capital investment.
Eyal Research Consultants’ wide scope of knowledge allows us to suggest new applications to a client’s existing or proposed technology. We can also help the client find the most profitable and efficient application of their technology. In many cases what is initially perceived as the main market opportunity turns out to be a secondary opportunity which may, or may not, be worth pursuing at the expense of the newly identified main market opportunity.
In most cases the service provided by us starts with determining what is the relevant technical problem to be solved. Some times just by changing the determination of the technology, it becomes more efficient. For example it is possible that a client with mechanical orientation will define a problem as a mechanical one when at the same time expanding the determination of the problem to its essence will enable to find other solutions such as chemicals or biological that in some cases can be much more efficient, cheaper and easier to apply and provide better IP protection. This can lead to identification of a potential main market opportunity as described above. Determination, of the relevant technical problem can involve re-evaluation of issues such as input costs, operational efficiency, size/weight requirements and relevant regulatory considerations. These re-evaluations can each potentially lead to an understanding of potential additional market opportunities.